Tuesday, November 1, 2016

The crystals in all of us.

I had a sit with myself recently and asked a serious question: ‘when I am older, hopefully rocking in a rocking chair alongside sweet hubby and reflecting on my life thus far, what do I want to remember?’ Quite easily being with my loved ones as much as possible was at the top of my list – no brainer.  However, I sat longer with this question and 4 words came up effortlessly: dancing – writing – connecting – nature.

As I sat on this longer, I realized that out of those 4 things, there isn’t one that I can confidently say I am delving into with all my being.  I connect with loved ones, but not as much as I would like.  Same goes for connecting deep within.  The same with nature.  Artistically, I love writing but don’t do it nearly as much, unless it’s for a university course.  And dancing.  Oh, dancing.  Aside from some kitchen ensembles, I don’t do that either.  All four of these things give me such joy.  And so, as I reflected on this I began to wonder why.  What was it – physically or mentally – that was preventing me from doing any of these things that makes my heart soar?

Nothing.  There is nothing that I can confidently say is preventing me from allowing my heart to soar with dancing, writing, connecting with people on a deeper level and being in nature more.  And at the same time, somewhere along the way I have told myself that I need more to do these things.  Specifically, more time.

Our days are so full with so many wonderful things.  I have been extremely blessed to be pursuing school and a passion.  I love that I can volunteer my time and energy to beings and ideas that I love.  I have begun working part time with individuals that are so lovely and inspiring.  I teach yoga to amazing individuals who come back week after week who, if I can be honest teach me more than I probably teach them.  All of these incredible projects and people that I get to spend my days with certainly take up a lot of time.  But you know what?  They don’t take it all.  There is still time to dance and write and connect and be in nature – perhaps even all in one afternoon!  I don’t need to choose one over the other.

I don’t need to choose to be artistic over school.  I don’t need to choose volunteering my time over working for an income.  I don’t need to choose spending time with loved ones over sitting down and writing for half and hour.  For me, it is about sitting with myself and truly understanding what is needed.  Of course, many days require me to be somewhere at certain parts of the day and that is perfectly fine.  In fact, if I can be honest, it can be very fulfilling and rewarding to devote some of my energy and time to other people and projects in which my desires and needs are not at the core. 

Being a part of something bigger; something in which we are all contributing in our own way – what an incredible thing. To attend university and be swept up in the hustle and bustle of life that appears way to young for me, then to go home and tuck in my children and read them a book – how incredible is that?  While it has certainly taken some adjusting to wearing “many hats” and there are many a’ days in which I allow feelings of overwhelm to sweep over me, I allow myself to acknowledge that those feelings are legit and are asking something of me – to listen.  
Typically, it means stepping back from something for a little bit and I have been learning to be ok with that.  
There is a way to say ‘no’ in a loving and kind way, especially when it means I am staying authentic in myself.  As a self-proclaimed “people pleaser” I too often can say ‘yes’ to things that I know in my heart are not feasible.  What ends up happening is disappointment: from myself for not respecting and listening to my gut, and often from the other party for not being able to fully commit and/or having to back out last minute. 

It is never worth burning the candle from both ends.  Instead, I am embracing the soft, vibrant light from within – the sort of light that is flickering comfortingly and encouragingly – reminding me that, I can and deserve to pursue my passions while also embracing the flow of life.  There doesn’t need to be a choice between one or the other.  Some days I might choose to wear my student hat, other days my yoga teacher hat, and perhaps other days it’s all about the dance hat, adorned with a sweat band and leg warmers of course.

Either way, the choice is mine. What a beautiful thing.  At the end of the day, the choice is ours.

  I encourage you to find your balance between your amazing passions and your source of income (if they don’t happen to align at this moment) and be ready to step into your authentic self.  
I am feeling very inspired by a wonderful woman on YouTube named Maria Forleo, in which she recently talks of this very thing; of balancing work and passion.  I know for myself I have gotten caught up in finding work that is both.  While that is happening slowly for me, that may not and certainly hasn’t always been the case.  
It may not always be possible (at least right away) to find work in a space in which you feel extremely passionate.  Don’t give up on your passions.  I encourage you deeply to keep taking those art classes, the horse back riding lessons – whatever it is that fuels your fire. 

  The world needs janitors, appliance repair people, store clerks and arborists.  We also need doctors, entrepreneurs of all types, inspirational writers and screen actors.  We are all intertwined in this web of connectedness and every chance we are handed to connect, I want to be able to. 
Further, the world needs passion, I feel deeply now more than ever.  We need to see and be inspired and awed by dentists who are also incredible mimes, school teachers who are also theatre actors and street sweepers who are also healers. 

  We need to recognize in ourselves and others that, we have so many shiny, amazing and inspiring sides, similar to a crystal.  Each part of us shines its own light and doesn’t find the need to compete with the other.  It just does its things – being amazing and authentic.  That is what we need.

So, beloved people – I ask you to embrace all the amazing parts of yourself.  I ask you to sit and think about your passions that you may not presently be fulfilling.  And instead of being hard on yourself or finding all the reason why you haven’t, I encourage you to think of that one amazing reason why it may be worth stepping into.  By saying ‘yes’ to taking a bit of extra time to live your passion (even an hour a week!), think of the people you will likely inspire: your colleagues, your family, your children – yourself.

Lots of Love
